Yupei Zhang (张育培)

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School of Computer Science
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)
No. 1 Dongxiang Road
Xi'an, Shaanxi 710129, China
Phone: +86
Fax: +86
E-mail: ypzhaang [@] nwpu [DOT] edu [DOT] cn


  • May. 21, 2021: Joined in The 2021 3rd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology http://www.icmet.org/com.html as a section chair and keynote speaking host.
  • Feb. 22, 2020: Joined in the technical committee for The 2021 3rd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology http://www.icmet.org/com.html
  • Sep. 25, 2020: Joined in the technical committee for the 2020 International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL).

  • Sep. 22, 2020: Joined in the technical committee for the 2021 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).

  • Aug. 26, 2020: Given an online research talk for School of Computer Science, Mcgill University, Montréal, QC, Canada.

  • Jul. 22, 2020: Given an online research report on educational data mining and Communicated with Dr. Shaghayegh Sahebi and Dr. Reza Feyzi-Behnagh from University at Albany, State University of New York, NY, USA, for collaborations.

  • Jul. 17, 2020: Invited Dr. Qiulan Zeng from University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, to give an online talk and build collaborations with MLE group.

  • Jul. 15, 2020: Communicated with Dr. Davide Fossati from Emory University, GA, USA, to build collaborations with MLE group.

  • Jul. 10, 2020: Invited Dr. Andrew lan from University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA, to give an online talk and build collaborations with MLE group.

  • Jun. 8, 2020: Served as a TPC member for the 2020 International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE)

  • Mar. 31, 2020: Invited Dr. Yu Lu from Beijing Normal University to give an online talk and build collaborations with MLE group.

  • Feb. 18, 2020: Visited Dr. Jack Wang at Rice University, Houston, TX, USA.

  • Feb. 17, 2020: Received a best award in the SPIE Conference 2020.

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  • Nov. 14, 2018: Given a invited talk at the 10th Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2018).

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